The Won Ton Who Wanted to be a Burger

Embrace your inner burger.

Hiding inside every won ton is a burger trying to get out.  I say that because these burgers are originally a recipe for won ton filling.  While fighting with some very temperamental won ton wrappers, I ended up with few won tons, a whole bunch of mutilated wrappers, and a surplus of filling.  The large ball of deliciousness just looked like it was begging to be used for burger patties.  And so I did.  The results?  You’ll have to try them out for yourself.  Let’s just say, I’ll make them again, and not just to justify buying a bottle of Five Chinese Spice powder that’s been sitting in our spice cupboard for who knows how long.  Of course, if you have greater dexterity than I with won ton wrappers, these burgers also make a great won ton filling.

Five Chinese Spice Not-Won-Tons Burgers

Makes 4 patties.

What you need:

1 lb. ground pork
2 Tbsp of grated ginger (although you can’t go wrong with more.)
4 cloves of garlic or 1/2 tsp. garlic powder (although you can’t go wrong with more.)
1 Tbsp soya sauce
2 egg yolks
2 green onions diced finely
2 tsp Chinese Five Spice powder
1 1/2 cups of finely diced mushrooms
(You can also add shrimp.  I didn’t.  I’m cheap.  But maybe it’s worth a try.)
(You can also throw in 6-8 finely diced water chestnuts if you want.  I didn’t and no one asked, “Where are the water chestnuts?” or said, “This would be way better with 6-8 diced water chestnuts.”)

What you do:

1.  Mash all ingredients into a bowl until well mixed.

2.  Slam the mixture down into the bowl 8 or more times until the mass becomes a bit more solid and

3.  Form into 4 patties (or more if you want smaller ones, I guess)

4.  Precook in a microwave for about four minutes.  This firms up the patties so they stick together on the grill.

5.  Grill on a barbecue until the internal temperature reaches at least 140F.

6.  These burgers are so tasty, they don’t need a ton of condiments.  Use quality buns, a bit of mayo. and you’ve got yourself a flavour bomb.